Thursday, October 16, 2008


Along with being aware, acceptance is a crucial part of the process of letting suicidal thoughts go. If you do not accept that you have control over them then you cannot change them. Many people believe that they do not have control over the thoughts of suicide, but this is not the case. We have control over everything we choose to believe and feed. Feeding the thoughts of suicide with hatred, anger and rage will only sink you deeper into your pit of despair.

Once you accept that you can change your desire to kill yourself you should feel like you have made progress. It may not seem like a lot, but by simply accepting your control of the thoughts of suicide you are taking the reigns away from your negative thought pattern. Awareness and acceptance go hand in hand since one feeds the other in a positive way.

As you practice being more aware of your thoughts of suicide you should also practice acceptance. Accept yourself for who you are instead of hating yourself for the ways you are different. Stop blaming others for your situation and accept the fact that you are actually in control of your life. If you cannot find acceptance for yourself you will remain stuck in pit of suicidal thoughts. Repeat your acceptance mantra along with your awareness mantra and believe in the words you say or write. Only with time will you come to accept your control and only then will you be ready to truly make changes with yourself and your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mister whoever writes this. When you want to kill yourself there is no delusion in it. When life just sucks, you see you left so many mistakes behind you, and now you see that the whatever you would do, you never manage to life like you wish; even more, you are so confused to know even what your life's sense is - the suicide is just a reply for the situation. The best reply. It is surrendering with dignity and courage needed to do this. When the next day is worthless to live, there is no better way.

IMHO. :)